EU Legislation BoF - Cyber Resilience Act, Product Liability Directive and CSAM Regulation

Speaker: ilu

Track: Security

Type: BoF (45 minutes)

Room: Chembra

Time: Sep 12 (Tue): 11:30

Duration: 0:45

European legislation is presently busy covering software development: Cyber Resilience Act (CRA), Product Liability Directive (PLD) and CSAM Regulation will change the way software is developed and distributed, not only in the EU. Allthough this legislation is primarily limited to the EU jurisdiction the scope of CRA tries to be worldwide. Projects need to be aware of the obligations imposed by CRA because transgressions might become expensive once PLD hits. While Debian itself will be exempt because of its strictly non-commercial nature, many upstream projects or downstream services will be affected.

Venue: Annex to Noisy Hacklab/Spices, 14th floor