Lucas Kanashiro
I am a Debian developer working mostly on Ruby, HA (High Availability), and containers related packages. I am also a Ubuntu core developer working on behalf of Canonical, focusing on server packages. Apart from the technical side, I've been dedicating some time to build a Debian local community in Brasília - Brazil.
Accepted Talks:
Ruby team BoF
This is the annual Debian Ruby team BoF. This is time we would gather together to discuss the work we’ve done so far and the work that needs to be done.
Besides that, this meeting will be used to discuss other activities that are going on within the team, like new workflows, what’s working and what’s not, and etcetera.
And lastly, we’d decide the logistics of the next possible sprints :)
The Docker(.io) ecosystem in Debian
Since the emergence of the modern containers idea, Docker has been the go-to technology to many users, not just to run and manage containers, but also to build images, share them, and manage the entire lifecycle of container instances. Docker has become an important tool in the daily work of developers, sysadmins and DevOps engineers. Many of those users have been using third-party Docker packages instead of using the packages we provide in Debian. Analyzing this situation and understanding where we can improve is key to keep Debian relevant for them.
We, as the Debian community, need to always try to provide what our users are in need. Are we providing everything needed by our users considering the Docker ecosystem? Is there a way to improve the Docker user experience? In this talk, we are going to present the work that has been done so far, some problems, and discuss what we could do to keep improving this ecosystem in Debian.
Meet (part of) the Ubuntu Server team
The Ubuntu Server team is one of the core teams from the Ubuntu distribution, and is responsible for maintaining server-related packages. In this talk, you will have the opportunity to meet three of its members who also happen to be active Debian contributors. Come talk to us, learn what we do and how we aim to improve the relationship between the team (and Ubuntu in general) and Debian.
From 5 to 100: The Debian Brasília Community's Story
Building a local community is a challenging and time-consuming endeavor that requires dedication and effort. The Debian Brasília community, situated in the heart of Brazil, has made significant progress in this regard and we would like to share our achievements with the broader community.
In 2022, the members of Debian Brasília Community attended DebConf in Kosovo, which was a valuable opportunity for networking and knowledge exchange. During the Debian Brazil BoF session, it was decided that the Brasília community would host the 2023 Brazilian MiniDebConf. This event turned out to be a great success, the processes and tools developed by us can serve as inspiration for other local communities looking to grow.
Following the MiniDebConf Brasília 2023, we launched a mentorship program targeting the event attendees. A structured plan was developed to introduce mentees to the various tools used by the local community, and our progress was tracked using Salsa, our beloved Gitlab instance. Additionally, the community holds regular online meetings among participants and provide a platform for Q&A sessions. These initiatives have proven instrumental in attracting new members and creating a supportive environment.
We are eager to share our experiences and knowledge with others, with the aim of helping local communities across the globe in their efforts to grow and thrive. By providing insights into our strategies and practices, we hope to inspire and support the development of vibrant communities in different regions.
Private meeting
Private meeting.