Ravi Dwivedi is trained in mathematics. Is a part of Free Software Community since last three years. Is a debian user and contributes to debian by packaging as part of debian gitlab team.

Accepted Talks:

A beginner's guide to debian packaging

This talk is intended for complete beginners. Even those unfamiliar to debian can attend it. This talk will emphasize what it means to package, why packaging is an important contribution and demonstrate the process of packaging using beginner friendly examples. I will first setup a debian sid environment for packaging and then demonstrate packaging examples in that environment. It can act as a video document for beginners to start learning debian packaging. The talk will also point to material on debian packaging for further reading and how to get involved with the community for contributing to packaging work.

Important links:


Cancelled Talks:

Sustainable solutions for self-hosting

It is a nontechnical talk and aimed at a general audience.

The main ideas I will present are: why self hosting is required, individual vs collective self hosting, collective self hosting and collective control over Free Software projects can give people outside the technical community a way to modify the software, a freedom granted by Free/Libre Software but usually available only to developers or big companies.

Self-hosting has become an attractive idea for people who like control of services and their data into their own hands. It also helps us challenge big tech and their monopolies on respective parts of internet. But self-hosting consumes time and resources, and requires a lot of skill. Privacy is a fundamental right and should be easily exercised by anyone. Individual self-hosting will only allow people with knowledge, skill and time to gain privacy and control over the services they use.

In this talk, I will introduce ideas for sustainable self-hosting. I will make a case for community based self hosted services in exchange for voluntary donations as much more resilient than individual self-hosting. Usually the decisions by community-backed services are based on consensus, rather than one person dictating all the terms.

I will also mention prav project which is an attempt to run an XMPP based chat service by a cooperative society in India, and plans to be funded directly by the users. This way the prav app can be modified by nontechnical people as they are also included in the decision-making.