Tássia Camões Araújo

Tassia is a Debian contributor since the early 2000's, when from the server's room at her university, she and her friends decided to change the world. Since then she works in this "project" and Debian is likely among her contributions of greatest impact to the world. She became a DD in 2014, and since 2018 teaches computer science at Vanier College, Montreal.

Accepted Talks:

Debian Contributors shake-up

The Debian Contributors Website turns 10 this year, and keeping the data sources that feed it up to date is still an open issue. This can be a BoF/QA/hack session on the website, corresponding wiki & salsa, as well as an effort to get teams involved into the data mining task. For everyone that cares about giving proper credit for Debian contributions of all kinds: come along and help!

Face-to-face Debian meetings in a climate crisis

There was a time when we were proud to get this many people from this many countries in a conference. Nowadays, even if still amazed about what can be accomplished face-to-face, many of us have mixed feelings regarding our carbon footprint and other many of us refuse to take part in any meeting that involves air travel.

If we are not ready to give up global international meetings altogether, maybe it is time to bring about change in the way we run conferences in order to diminish our impact. Business as usual does not help, and it is clear it adds to the pot!

In this session we will discuss some alternative actions, and with your help, maybe this could lead to a draft recommendation for future Debian meetings.

Note: If you won’t be there and want your ideas to be taken into account, please get in touch by email, and we’ll do our best to raise your voice in the session.

Usability Report for the Debian Installation Process

My talk explains the process and the results from a usability test of the Debian installer. The goal of this test was to find out how usable the installer is for a variety of users with different levels of experience. In the report, we compared the installation process with other popular distributions (Tails, Ubuntu, and Fedora) and with the Calamares Installer from a Bookworm live image. We aimed to use the results of the study to establish in what ways the Debian installer as well as related Debian documentation could be improved to give users a better experience.

This talk covers the different sections of installing Debian, such as, downloading the ISO, the steps to verify it, flashing a USB key, and the actual process of installation that follows. It also uncovers the different challenges encountered by users.