Poetry Event

Speaker: Joost van Baal-Ilić

Track: Community, diversity, local outreach and social context

Type: BoF (45 minutes)

Room: Elsewhere

Time: Sep 16 (Sat): 21:00

Duration: 1:30

The almost traditional DebConf Poetry Event.

About previous debconf Poetry events, Rhonda wrote: “During debconf12 in Nicaragua, we met in a bar and had some poetry. It was a great idea that inspired to have one during debconf13 in Switzerland next to the campfire, which also gave it a great ambience. debconf15 in Germany also had one […]”

At previous online debconf20, there was a nice poetry evening, organised by Rhonda. (Video at https://meetings-archive.debian.net/pub/debian-meetings/2020/DebConf20/48-debconf-poetry-night.webm ). And at online debconf21 there was one.

Let’s do one again at this edition.

“Let’s bring back some written thoughts that are moving.”